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Custom emails sent via Maki

Find out here how to personalise test invitation emails, as well as feedback emails.

Solène avatar
Written by Solène
Updated over a week ago

You can customize the emails you send to your candidates via Maki :

  1. Click on the assessment of your choice and go to the Settings (1) and to the Emails section (2) .You can customize your invitation, results and rejection emails sent to your candidates (3):

    💡 By default, a template is displayed for each email. You can update it.

  2. For each email, choose a Subject, a Heading and the Content of your email. You can also customise the link buttons:

    💡"Reset default" to return to the initial template (1) ;
    💡"Add variables" (name of your company, assessment time, etc.) (2) to custom your emails.

  3. Remember to"Save changes" to validate your customization.

💡 Note that you can send to yourself a test email (hit the "Send test email" button) once you've saved the changes to make sure your email is correctly set up (go to your email box).

💡 Need additional help?

If you have any further questions or concerns regarding the personalisation of test invitation emails, feel free to contact us at [email protected].

We are here to assist you.

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