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The Big 5 test

Find out what this test is all about and learn how to interpret the results.

Solène avatar
Written by Solène
Updated over a week ago

1. What is the "Big 5" personality test?

In psychology, Big Five refers to a descriptive model of personality, based on five fundamental dimensions (the "Big 5"). The five major personality traits are Extraversion, Agreeableness, Openness, Conscientiousness and Neuroticism. Each represents a range between two extremes.

For example, Extraversion represents a continuum between Extreme Extraversion and Extreme Introversion (the majority of individuals fall somewhere between the two polar extremes of each dimension).

2. How are the Big 5 results computed?

The Big 5 test is used to characterize each candidate in relation to these five dimensions. For each dimension, the candidate is assigned one of three groups: "Low", "Medium" and "High", depending on his or her actual score on the test. Assignment is based on a representative sample study (calibrated cohort).

A candidate who belongs to the "High" group is a candidate who falls within the definition of this dimension; conversely, a candidate who belongs to the "Low" group is far from it.

3. How can we interpret the results of the Big 5?

Let's take the example of the "Extraversion" dimension:

  • "Low": introverted, solitary and reserved candidate

  • "Medium": ambivert candidate (neither extrovert nor introvert), engaging and flexible

  • "High": outgoing, lively and sociable candidate

4. Where can I find the Big 5 results?

Click on the candidate of your choice to access their detailed results: go to the Personality traits section to consult the Big 5 test report:

💡 The personality test report is also available in the candidate's assessment report (accessible from the three small dots at the top right of the overall score).

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