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Creating an assessment

Here you will find all the steps you need to take to create and publish your assessment.

Solène avatar
Written by Solène
Updated over 6 months ago

1. Define your assessment

Ready to go down to business and create your first assessment? From your home page, click on "Create" and fill in the information for your assessment:

  • The title of the assessment (visible to candidates, generally the position for which you are recruiting),

  • The language of the assessment,

  • The person responsible for the assessment.

Specify the job family and sub-family of the position for which you are recruiting in order to benefit from our test recommendations at the next stage, and the type of role:

2. Select the tests for your assessment

Go to the next step to add tests: browse our recommendations, our library, your own tests if you have any. Click on the tick to the left of a test to add it to your selection:

💡 Click on a test's magnifying glass icon to find out more about the skills assessed and the type of questions asked.

💡The small icon to the right of the magnifying glass tells you which skills family your test belongs to (business, cognitive, cross-functional, language or personality trait).

Filter our test library using the filter bar on the screen:

Search for a test or question using the search bar at the top right:

3. Add questions to your assessment

You can create your own question to add to your assessment. You can choose between several types of question, open-ended or closed-ended. Click on the question type of your choice and customise your question:

Enter a title, a statement and the time you want to allow the candidate to answer. You can custom your statement using the text editor, and add media to it:

💡 You can add as many custom questions as you like.

4. Customize your assessment

At any time using our assessment designer, you can:

  • Add and/or delete tests (1)

  • Reorder tests (2)

  • Change the duration of the tests (3)

  • Change the title, time and wording of custom questions (4)

You can custom candidates sidekick welcome and thank-you screens with your employer branding elements:

5. Publish your assessment

Take a final look at your assessment using the insert at the top right of your screen: check the total number of tests selected and the total duration of your assessment.

💡 Limit the length of an assessment to around twenty minutes, varying the tests (between 3 and 5 maximum) to ensure that the experience remains digestible for your candidates.

Click on Publish and your assessment is now live!

Let's invite some candidates!

💡 Need additional help?

If you have any further questions or concerns surrounding creating an assessment, feel free to contact us at [email protected].

We are here to assist you.

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